Chris Malone

It is a joy to serve our Lord with the bride of my youth, Mary, and our children. Our nine kids are not all living at home anymore. One has already completed university and has started her career. One is finishing his master's degree and will start his career soon. One is completing her freshman year at university. That leaves six at home. One of those completes high school this year. Amazing since Mary and I are only 30 years old (at least in our minds).

The 1 in 10,000

We have some dear friends who are also on mission here in Ukraine.  Would you take a moment and read this post from their website about the health of their coming granddaughter and begin to pray without ceasing.  Prayer does change things. Read the post here: Bless the Name of the Lord with me today.  He is

The 1 in 10,000 Read More »

First Day of School and Various Ramblings

School Days If you’ve missed the news, I (Chris) will be teaching elementary music, middle school choir and high school choir this year at Kiev Christian Academy.   This is the school Hannah attended last year.   She, Bethany and Seth will all be attending this year.  It’s not something I went looking for.  

First Day of School and Various Ramblings Read More »

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