Chris Malone

It is a joy to serve our Lord with the bride of my youth, Mary, and our children. Our nine kids are not all living at home anymore. One has already completed university and has started her career. One is finishing his master's degree and will start his career soon. One is completing her freshman year at university. That leaves six at home. One of those completes high school this year. Amazing since Mary and I are only 30 years old (at least in our minds).

Decision 2014

I’m writing to ask you to pray.  There are SO MANY candidates.  There are SO MANY positions and agendas.  I can’t imagine that it will be easy for the citizens of Ukraine to make an informed choice that they can depend on.  That makes it a difficult decision for them.

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Refugee Center

Today I take 26 students to a refugee center in Kyiv.  The “residents” there have been wanting some worship time together and we are going to go sing with them for about an hour and a half.  We’ll have a few testimonies and read scripture together.  Thank you for praying for this special time. Also

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Fall Arrived

I walked out the door yesterday morning and Fall had arrived.  I mean basically overnight.  One of things we love about Ukraine is that there are four, distinct seasons.  And they change quickly.  We went from too-warm-to-really-be-comfortable to brisk-rainy-and-leaves-changing weather overnight.  The sun is coming up much later (making it easier to sleep till it’s

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